To Jesus, you are not just a statistic!

Demonstrating The Spirit

Scripture Reading -

1 Corinthians 2:4 And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power.

We have all heard of this phrase around Christian ministry circles: "demonstrating the Spirit", sometimes, it's called "demonstrating the power". By it, we usually mean the display and ministration of the supernatural power of God in service, evidenced by miracles, healings, slayings in the Holy Ghost, etc.

 But to conclude that this is the demonstration of the Spirit reveals a gap in our understanding of what "demonstrating the Spirit" really is.

 So, what really is to "demonstrate the Spirit"? Let's forget our own understanding and ask ourselves; If we had a conversation on this matter with God, what would God call a demonstration of His Spirit"?

 We have mixed up the demonstration of the gifts of the Spirit, with the demonstration of the Spirit Himself. And there's a huge difference.

If I give you a gift and you go and put it to use, it doesn't mean you are demonstrating me! Not necessarily. You could even have ended your Relationship with me, but still enjoy the gift I gave you. I AM NOT THE GIFT!

That's the foundation of our misunderstanding of God today. Men and women demonstrate the gifts of the Spirit and they say, and we also say that they have demonstrated the Spirit.

It's not accurate,and it's not true in every case.

 If that were true,then the Lord would not have warned in Matthew 7:22-23 that many will say to Him in that day; "we cast out devils, healed the sick, prophesied and didmany wonderful works in Your Name". But He will say to them; "I never knew you, go away from Me, you workers of iniquity"

 These men and women will clearly have missed something: for they demonstrated the gifts, and they thought they were demonstrating the Spirit! But God will say No!

Why? Because demonstrating the Spirit is different from demonstrating the gifts of the Spirit, or gifts of power.

 So, what does it really mean to "demonstrate the Spirit?"

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