To Jesus, you are not just a statistic!

Life In God

Scripture Reading -

Isaiah 26:8, "...O LORD, have we waited for thee; the desire of our soul is to thy Name(reputation, glory, fame), and to the remembrance of Thee."

There are many signs today in the lives of many children of God that show that they are not enjoying Salvation. In simple terms, many Saints are bored with Christianity, and they think that it is supposed to be so! You can see this in the way they drag their way about the things of God, in contrast with how quickly they respond to other carnal affairs.

But this drudgery is because most have not known God intimately as a Father, and Jesus as the heavenly Bridegroom. Consequently, they do not have a love relationship with God, and have therefore not known the greatness of His power which is released through this closeness and Oneness.

The Christian life is supposed to be the most exciting on earth because the power of God's love, working for us, deals away with the dullness, even in times of trials!

Imagine the joy of Daniel when the lions could not bite! What about Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah when the fire couldn't kindle on them? Imagine Martha and Mary when Lazarus came back to life!

This is our Life Beloved! The beautiful supernatural life in God which knows no boredom. But it's so for those who have grasped the mystery of relationship with God.

 Scriptures tell us that we are going to spend eternity with God (2 Corinthians 5:1). Did you ever wonder what kind of God He is, that we would never get bored in His presence for... not 10,000 years only, but for eternity? What is there to see and hear of Him each new day that we should never be bored by Him? If we are going to be with God for trillions of years, imagine how excellent and exciting this God is! And He is your Father!

 Now how can it be that many have been Christians for only 5-10 years, and they are so bored by their salvation they could quit if it wasn't for fear of hell fire? It's a revelation and relationship gap.

That's why Isaiah cries in our opening verse, “I want my mind, will, and emotions to be takenover by the knowledge of Your fame, reputation, and glory." 

David, in Psalms 103:2, had to remind his soul not to forget the benefits of the Lord. His soul had a tendency to forget!

If you can only know God as your Dad, and His reputation and glory as a Father, then Salvation will become very lively for you. If the nature of God is in you, of which it is, then it's not supposed to be a boring life, unless there's something about God that you don’t know and have not experienced.

 It's my prayer for you Beloved, "That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him" (Ephesians 1:17ff)

May God open your eyes that the things concerning Him will not remain hidden from you, that each day be an opportunity for you to know Him and draw closer to Him. God desires to take you to an exceptionally beautiful place in the knowledge of Him if you will ask Him to take you there!

Desire to know God intimately to the point of feeling after Him, that you may know when He's grieved or pleased about certain things, and that your eyes be enlightened to have a special inner understanding of the things of God. Then your life will be a story of unfolding goodness and glory, day by day, year after year. Oh, hallelujah, Praise the Lord Jesus Christ.

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